Friday 26 February 2016

When the Future is Yesterday

  I recently sat in on a magazine presentation. It was a local magazine and they focused on the indigenous people of "417-land", putting a distinction on the people. They work around the clock to produce a work of literature littered with ads and stories and places that rip you from where you are and take you to where you could be. I have a personal affinity for magazines with more educational purposes like TIME or National Geographic and if I had to choose I would much rather work there. With that being said I think there is a beauty in the work that they do. It got me thinking about where I could go.
  Jump forward to next year. I'm drudging through my second semester of college and am in desperate search of love. I don't go to parties so my chances for interaction with the opposing sex is limited. I make do with the income from my part-time job at Family Video and I spend as much time as possible at friends' houses. My ambition is rivaled only by my laziness as I do everything in my power to pass my classes and still be an amateur gamer and writing enthusiast. My diet consists of usual college kid things; pizza, pizza rolls, pizza pockets, pizza sliders, and pizza fries. My depression hasn't fully subsided and some days it is a struggle to get out of bed whereas others I cannot wait to carpe diem. The path to being a teacher is truly ironic to me. I can't wait to be done with school so that I can go and work at a school.
  Four more years pass. I'm finishing my first year teaching at Kickapoo alongside my favorite teachers from when I was here. It is quite different from what I expected. I have both more and less control than previously presumed, and I fear I am not as exquisite as I had planned on being. I get along with the students fine but the computers are showing to be more of a hindrance on my abilities than a help and I'm not sure what I am going to be doing for a living for the rest of my days. I finally acquire a girlfriend and we plan on moving in together within the next month. I have tossed around proposing to her, but I have no idea if I'm ready.
  Tack on five more years. I am almost thirty, married to the love of my life, twin boys with a girl on the way, and life couldn't get any better. I finished my masters in poetry and there is talk of letting me teach a class centered on the subject as a communication arts elective. I have never been so well-respected in my life and I'm not really sure how things got so easy. My house is bigger than I had ever hoped, and I had finally saved up to buy a Porsche. Her name is Virginia and she is electric blue.
  Forty more years go by. I am now sixty-eight years old. I have lived with the death of my wife for thirty-eight years. My kids are all through college and working various jobs. My son Malaki and my daughter Au-Riel are both married but my other son Carter hasn't yet settled down. I retired fifteen years ago and I've never remarried. I got involved in politics and am planning on running for office for Missouri. My books have won various awards and gotten me plenty more death threats. Life is hard again. I am lonely, my kids are gone, my wife is gone, and I am stuck fumbling around, barely being able to wipe my own ass. Somehow I miss the days of ignorance and inspiration. I miss the color and the emotion. I am tired, and every single today makes me miss all of the yesterdays.


  1. I don't think anyone imagined their futures in such narrative detail as you did! I really enjoyed what you came up with, even the beautifully written sad part at the end about "fumbling around," missing the color and the yesterdays.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. while id like to say i have been a long reader of your posts i have honestly just started about 5 minutes ago. its 1:30 in the morning and i am attempting to complete my final and question 2 asked me to do some reading. i honestly could have picked anyone's blog but i'm glad i picked yours. i believe you're a fantastic writer in every sense of the word. you fully understand and execute your words in such a beautiful manner. i don't know if you'll read this and honestly i wont be hurt if you don't but if you do i hope its encouraging. you'll do great in everything you attempt and i pray you have a happier ending than the one mentioned above. its been nice knowing you for this short time.
    p.s. this is the same comment i deleted earlier with a fix to a very annoying spelling error that would have haunted me to my grave

  4. while id like to say i have been a long reader of your posts i have honestly just started about 5 minutes ago. its 1:30 in the morning and i am attempting to complete my final and question 2 asked me to do some reading. i honestly could have picked anyone's blog but i'm glad i picked yours. i believe you're a fantastic writer in every sense of the word. you fully understand and execute your words in such a beautiful manner. i don't know if you'll read this and honestly i wont be hurt if you don't but if you do i hope its encouraging. you'll do great in everything you attempt and i pray you have a happier ending than the one mentioned above. its been nice knowing you for this short time.
    p.s. this is the same comment i deleted earlier with a fix to a very annoying spelling error that would have haunted me to my grave
