Tuesday 29 March 2016

Culture Shock

Dear Bingley and Blythe,
  I am bundling this letter together because it will feed into my discussion with both of you, but I assure you I still value both of you. With that in mind it seems as though your perception of Americans may have taken a hit. We also watched the scenes from What Would You Do? and the episode of Wife Swap, and that is what this letter will regard. I believe that there are both adamant fallacies and painful truths weaved into the fabric of those shows. You must understand they have to do what is going to get them a positive reception from viewers. As much as it displeases me there is a heavy bias in media towards entertainment as opposed to education. With that said, I do think that they bring to light important issues here. I hate that there is such a large weight still on the shoulders of women in my country. I am the only boy in the women's rights club at my school. I think that Wife Swap does a good job at showing the importance of the mother and the woman in general when it comes to the functionality of a household. Branching off from that, the What Would You Do? episode that focused on the Muslim woman showed just how scummy people can be. I do like that show because it shows both the good and the bad in everyday people. The woman receiving help when her breasts were partially exposed and then becoming ignored when they weren't infuriates me. I like to think that I am a helper. I sit down with my friends all the time and do what I can to stand as an intermediary for their problems and do what I can to keep them happy. My personal belief is to always put other people before you. It has always helped me fell better about myself. Depression has consumed my life for a long time, side effects of being a writer I suppose, and it helps me want to prevent others from facing that same fate. I truly enjoy seeing people helping one another and do so myself as much as possible. Are there a lot of conflicts in your school or your life? If so do you think I am crazy for wanting so badly to help people? I look forward to hearing back from you both.
Yours truly,
Dakoda English

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