Friday 18 March 2016

Aerial View

  Destruction, pain, desolation; these are just a few things that pop into mind when I look at this painting. To me it appears as a few different images. I see a barren, desolate land, plagued by warfare and ill times. I see the people roaming this wasteland in search of some sort of salvation or mercy. I also see purity; a white grace that is slowly being consumed by the darkness around it. A final peg of hope that is being ripped apart by the corruption that surrounds it. There is also a hint of fiction here. It looks like an image that somebody is trying to understand. It has this feeling of fogginess, like someone confused by a premonition or slighted by a difficult decision. This painting saddens me.

1 comment:

  1. I like the connections to fogginess and indecision...I just see coffee. : )
