Wednesday 27 January 2016

In Living Color

  The sky was blue but the air was thick. I was never a big fan of high school parties. They always seemed to invoke bad decisions and reckless opinions. This was no different. The tables were lined with bottle after bottle of Bud Light. Now, I'm not a drinker, but I did take a few sips. I had always known that I was a lightweight.
  She was wearing a short purple sundress and vibrant lavender lipstick. Her hair was a short bob dyed black with an electric blue streak. I don't reasonably know why she stuck out to me at first. I've definitely seen more risque teenagers but there was something about her. Her face was very polite and her body was thin but lightly curved. She was smiling and laughing in a group of kids in assorted Ravens jerseys and cargo shorts. I stood by Jerrod, my best friend, watching her move. It was like watching a devoted butterfly dancing across roses lined with divinity. I knew that I had to talk to her.
  When she moved towards the drink table I took my shot with a face of pure crimson. The walk towards her seemed like it lasted a million years. The rush of the party blurred into one symphonic noise, plaguing the thoughts that try to remain whole. I saw a world of gray protruding from a singularity of color. Her face was frozen in a permanent grin as if nothing in the world could go wrong and it pushed me forward.
  Then came my silver tongue, "Uh... h-hi?"
  She noticed my platinum blonde hair first of course.
  "Hey," she said with that adorable smirk and a pure golden laugh.
  Suddenly, my face returned to its usual pink stature and I thrust forward my hand and recited my name. She returned the favor quite gently. As soon as our hands touched I could feel it. I could feel pure energy coursing through my veins. My eyes lit up and she obviously noticed due to her dropping her head and giggling into her hand. Then she looked back up into my eyes and it was like being hit by a freight train. The smile on her face warped the whole visage into one of pure beauty.
  She met me at eight o clock in the pitch black that surrounded my usual spot. She was unsettled which I was used to by now. I filled her with words of encouragement and she let loose a little bit. We went into the old abandoned strip mall and she took to screaming rather quickly. I was disappointed that I had to end it so quickly. I had hoped to enjoy her voice for a moment longer. I took her body and put it onto one of the posts that the other ones sat on. Her smile is an excellent addition to my collection. 


  1. Hi, Dakoda! I really enjoyed this short color story of yours. I have to say, the ending definitely took me by surprise, and I enjoyed that. You had me going on the developing couple train, and then that thing blew up with the last paragraph.

  2. Oh wow. This did take quite the turn. And I like it! Such a seemingly innocent interaction leading to such brutality. What's scary and sad is that I could totally see this playing out in real life. Some of my favorite lines of this interesting story:

    The rush of the party blurred into one symphonic noise, plaguing the thoughts that try to remain whole.

    Then came my silver tongue, "Uh... h-hi?"

    We went into the old abandoned strip mall and she took to screaming rather quickly.

    I didn't even really notice this being a "color story" or the shades driving the paragraphs, which I think makes it even stronger. Thanks!
