Friday 8 January 2016

I am...

Who am I you ask?
I am the man you see before you.
The boy reconstructed through years of trials and tribulations.
The physical defined by the metaphysical.

I am the wind that pushes me so gently from sadness.
I am the grass that comforts my fall from publicity.
I am the tree that’s peak shows me the secrets of distant ideals.
I am the rock that remains strong no matter how hard the hammer beats it.

I am the books that line the walls of a broken library.
I am the holster that carries your chambered rage so delicately.
I am the divine mediocrity that engrosses the uniqueness of human nature.

I am the vast expanse between equality and profit.

I am the shoes that protect me from the waste of the lonely hearted.
I am the shirt that covers the most judged aspect of existence.
I am the pantaloons the hold back the savage instruments of puberty.
I am the hat that encompasses the most misused weapon in the world.

I am the automobile that paves over history.
I am the crane that hoists us from the barren plane we design.
I am the glass that protects us from the intolerable reality.
I am the smog that holds our world by the throat.

I am the answer to the unasked and the question to the unanswered.
I am the pastor living behind a bank.
I am the politician that sleeps in a black briefcase.
I am the man who knows everything about nothing that matters.

I am the rings upon your finger.
I am the diamonds in your ear.
I am the priceless.
I am the man who stands in front of you and yet is not seen.

I am the cereal in my brother’s superhero bowl.
I am the rum in my mother’s drink.
I am the nicotine in my father’s cigarettes.
I am the plaster that holds together the fortress of my family.

I am the bruised.
I am the beaten.
I am the forgotten.
I am the unstoppable.

1 comment:

  1. Some lovely, philosophical thoughts, Dakoda. I am especially fond of the more concrete lines at the end about your family, your brother's cereal and your mom's rum and your dad's cigarettes, and you being the plaster that keeps it all together. I also like the image of "The Thinker" (fits you well) and Rocky in your profile! I look forward to seeing what you else you come up with.
