Tuesday 12 April 2016

Raiders of the Lost Art

This is a picture of a square. A square that goes by the name of
Kathy Stephens. She's a babe, but she is also a buzz kill. Love
her to death.
 I've always found this courtyard to be beautiful. 
The trees and the compilation of stone make it so calming. 
I suppose one could expect nothing less from the art courtyard. 
This is Danielle Romay. She helped me to see that I could
perform my poetry and people would actually enjoy it. She gave
me a lot of confidence in performing and I am very grateful.
Connor Peters is a jerk. He is crude and unsympathetic
and I think that is probably why I think he is so funny.
Our jokes push the boundaries of what is morally acceptable and I love him for that.
This looks like a plate that has absorbed the souls of people
 who have peered too longingly upon it and compiled their faces
to stare and compel others to do the same.
Hayley Fraser is my life. Like literally, I want her job.
She has been one of the biggest supporters of my career as an
English teacher. I hope that one day I can teach a
class and connect with students in the way she does.
This picture of nature is the most authentic depiction around my school.
It reminds me of the woods behind my grandmother's house.
Minus the trash, of course.
Football is great and all but I will always see baseball as the most American sport.
It is so ingrained in our history that you can't go through any
history class it seems without discussing it.
The nostalgia runs deep with this picture. I was on the Speech and Debate
team for two years, and I loved it. If I had the ability, I wouldn't have quit,
but it ultimately wasn't going to help me on my career path.
This is a photo of a teacher filling out an evaluation on an A+ Tutor.
The importance is that it's a positive one. It gives me hope for my
generation and our ability to not be shitty people.
This is a picture of something round. That roundness comes from
our school mascot. Our school mascot is a chief. Like the Native Americans.
I hate people who can't park. Being a high school student this
is very much an uphill battle. It is not that difficult to park in a straight line.
You had to do it to get a license so prove it.
I found this to be an interesting angle. Mainly because the angle is
located in the science wing. Also, the science wing happens to be the
only section of the school that is not based on right angles and symmetry.
It bothers me.
Alright, there is no way you can tell me this elevator
phone wouldn't be interesting as hell to some little kid
with an iPhone. To them it's from the stone age.
I will never forget this bloody Tyrannosaurus. I've included 
him in music videos and innumerable pictures. His 
ability to just sit there will never be truly rivaled.

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